Betting-odds errors: Italy activates regulator’s new system to allow correction

In October 2022, the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance’s decree that “refurbished” the 2006 fixed-odds betting regulation entered into force, bringing relevant improvements for betting. 

The decree also introduced free-bet and bonus regulation and the possibility for a betting licensee to correct its odds’ errors. But both provisions were to be further implemented by the Italian gambling authority Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (ADM) through specific decrees. 

The one allowing the correction of betting odds was highly anticipated. Indeed, up until now, the only way to avoid paying a customer abusing a betting-odds error in bad faith was to undergo lengthy and complex Civil Court proceedings.  

From now on, in the case of an odds error, the betting licensee will not be allowed to autonomously manage an odds-error correction.

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