The true story of the Italian ban on gambling advertising

Last February 4th online gambling world had been alarmed by the news of unanimous approval of gambling advertising prohibition on TV channels and radio stations in Italy. Italian specialised Internet press published that news, and then foreign gambling press reported it. It had been provided a bit in a hasty way, to make a scoop.
I was in London on February 4th at ICE exposition where in a couple of hours most of my clients phoned or e-mailed me, scared because of the news and asking my opinion and advice. After hearing my comments my clients came back to their business calm and without a care. But it seems most of gambling industry is still worried, while the press continues to publish scaring articles. It is now time to put things in clear. It could be also useful a short account of background.
A strong attack had been unfolded against gambling since late 2011 by third sector associations followed by media and a large part of politicians. Gambling operators and their associations try to react to return that to sensible terms. The attack mainly targets slots in public premises that grew significantly in the last ten years. But gambling on line, that is only 4% of total Italian gambling industry in GGR, risks to became the victim of collateral damage. Politicians know very little of gambling online. Recently an influential senator openly confessed to me gambling online is a “black hole” for them. It is necessary to inform and lobby, an activity I devote most of my energy. About current gambling advertising provisions, January 1st 2013 entered into force limitations stated in a law approved late 2012. Such limitation does not satisfy gambling opponents that consider it weak and insufficient. At the same time operators consider this provision generic and ambiguous.
Further gambling advertising measures will be defined by the Government as part of a general reorganisation of gambling legislation, in compliance with the so called “Legge Delega” approved by the Parliament and with guidelines it provides. The draft of Legge Delega was voted last autumn by the Chamber and was then voted by the Senate last February 4th, with amendments. Therefore the Chamber must approve it again to turn it in law. It should happen soon, but new rules will enter into effect only by publication of subsequent Government’s implementing decrees.
The Legge Delega draft holds two main measures on gambling advertising. Senate confirmed measure already voted by the Chamber that provides a “maximum limit for gambling advertising”, i.e. a quantitative limit. While it amended the original Chamber’s provision that provided “prohibition of advertising in protected time slots of TV and radio programs and, always, for games that induce compulsive behaviour”. That was an unclear and unsatisfactory text. Senator Nencini submitted at first an amendment providing “prohibition of gambling advertising on TV and radio program”, but there was not an agreement on it. At the end it had been unanimously approved a more sensible and satisfactory text proposed by the Government that provides “prohibition of advertising on TV and radio programs in compliance with principles stated at European seat regarding minor protections for games that induce compulsive behaviour”.
There is strong concern with consumer and mostly with minor protection, not only in Italy but also in other EU Countries, like UK. I believe the industry is favourably inclined to accept sensible limits. In Italy, except as further unexpected changes, there will be advertising limitation accordingly with principles stated at European level, which do not refers to gambling only. It makes sense. It will be an opportunity to strengthen adoption of common practices and rules among different EU Countries.

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