Casino operating services tender for casinò di Venezia (“Cà Vendramin Calergi” and “Ca’ Noghera”) has been now published in the EU Official Journal in accordance with Directive 2004/18/EC provisions.
The tender rules provides for the purchase of 100% shares in Casinò di Venezia Gioco currently owned by Casinò Municipale Venezia and a management for thirty years lasting concession.
The tender rules provides for the purchase of 100% shares in Casinò di Venezia Gioco currently owned by Casinò Municipale Venezia and a management for thirty years lasting concession.
The tender market value is considered of 508,5 billions.
Time limit for receipt of requests of tenders or requests to participate is fixed at 17th March, 2014.
Should you need any further information or assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Time limit for receipt of requests of tenders or requests to participate is fixed at 17th March, 2014.
Should you need any further information or assistance, please feel free to contact us.