Dignity Decree measures on gambling: from advertising and sponsorship ban to scratch-cards warnings as tobacco products

Among the Dignity Decree provisions aimed at improving job security, the Italian Parliament has voted a ban on all advertising and sponsorship for gambling with the alleged aim to strengthen consumer protection and to introduce more effective means to combat gambling addiction. Specifically, the Decree bans: with effect as of 14 July 2018, any direct … Read more

Self-Regulation Institute holds the balance of power on gambling advertising in Italy

The Budget Law for 2016 has amended the legal framework governing gambling advertising in Italy as previously introduced by Health Minister Balduzzi in 2012 with the intent to improve the protection level of consumers against social and economic harm that may result from compulsive or excessive gambling, prevent minors to play, safeguard health and contrast … Read more

Gli argomenti a supporto del divieto della pubblicità del gioco non reggono all’analisi dei fatti

A inizio settembre il M5S presentò alla Camera il disegno di legge “Introduzione del divieto di pubblicità per i giochi con vincite in denaro” che ha come oggetto esclusivo il divieto totale e la sanzione della pubblicità del gioco. Un ddl con identico testo fu presentato dal M5S pochi giorni prima alla Camera. Un ddl … Read more

Total ban of gambling advertising in Italy is a scaring real treat

Operators really risk a total ban of gambling advertising in Italy. The broad majority of Parliament Members belonging to every parties would welcome today total prohibition of advertising, both for online and offline gambling. Late July and then late August two almost identical bills had been submitted to the Parliament. Those are both exclusively focused … Read more

Free movement of services: EU Commission could enquire into possible gambling commercial communications ban in Italy

According to the bill recently introduced before the Italian Senate to take up again the long-awaited Government gambling reorganization, the future of any form of commercial communications to promote, directly or indirectly, the gambling services of a gambling operator in Italy is heavily compromised. For more details on the provisions, please refer to previous blog … Read more

Only the European Commission could actually save Italian online gambling from total ban on advertising

Yesterday, July 9th, a group of PD senators submitted to the Senate a draft bill that aims to achieve the gambling reorganisation previously pursued by the gambling decree the Government decided now to give up. Indeed, a couple of week ago Under-Secretary Baretta announced the Government decided to remit to the Parliament the gambling reform … Read more

Al convegno della Comunità Giovanni XXIII la conferma della volontà di vietare la pubblicità sul gioco online

“Il convegno ha espresso l’atto di accusa nei confronti del gioco già ripetuto nei tanti precedenti eventi organizzati dalle associazioni del terzo settore. Ma è interessante soffermarsi sugli interventi dei due ospiti politici e sul significato della loro presenza in questa fase dell’iter legislativo, come rappresentanti l’uno del Governo l’altro del Parlamento”. Questo il commento … Read more