With its  judgment in joined Cases C-293/12 and C-594/12 (Digital Rights Ireland and Seitlinger and Others) dated 8th April 2014, the European Court of Justice has declared to be invalid the directive on the obligation of retention of data generated or processed by providers of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications networks. According … Read more

La misura del tasso di prevalenza del gioco a distanza problematico in Italia Francia e Gran Bretagna

Confronto in questo blog i risultati della misura del tasso di prevalenza del gioco problematico rilevati: • in Francia dalle indagini Prévalence-e-JUE 2012 e e-ENJEU 2012 svolte a fine 2012; • in Gran Bretagna dalla British Gambling Prevalence Survey del 2010; • in Italia dall’indagine condotta dal CIRMPA del 2010. Fornirò dati essenziali, finalizzati alle … Read more

The implementation of the Fiscal Delegation law, and its impact on gambling

Q&A: The implementation of the Fiscal Delegation law, and its impact on gambling: The Fiscal Delegation law – the so-called ‘Delega Fiscale’ – was finally voted on, on 4 March, by the Italian Parliament and has been published in the Official Journal. It is aimed at empowering the Government to be able to legislate on several … Read more

La cooperazione internazionale nella regolazione del gioco a distanza

Il gioco clandestino così come la manipolazione degli eventi sportivi rappresentano fenomeni di portata internazionale, in cui la risposta di un singolo Paese ha inevitabilmente una efficacia limitata mentre i danni procurati al settore del gioco pubblico offerto dai concessionari dell’Adm sono enormi e questo sia in termini di volume di raccolta che di credibilità … Read more

El Juego En Lìnea Es Víctima De La Desinformaciòn Y El Prejuicio

En una entrevista exclusiva con El Diario del Juego, Carboni describe el escenario del juego en línea en Europa y dibuja su posible futuro como industria. Con respecto a la situación de la actividad en Latinoamérica considera que en “Argentina y otros países sudamericanos deben estudiar las experiencias europeas y también de Estados Unidos y … Read more

Social gaming : an opportunity for gambling operators

During the 6th International Casino Conference that took place at the  London ICE Monday 3th February, the on-going convergence between online and social gaming has been discussed among the most important social gaming operators, Facebook and Egla. In our view, especially with reference to those social games products casino-style, gaming operators should enhance a proactive … Read more

The meeting of European regulators in Rome

European national regulators form an unofficial exclusive club that is leading to a fundamental change of the regulatory framework in Europe and, consequently, of the remote gambling industry, influencing North America also. January 16th and 17th it had been held in Rome the fourth informal meeting of the Authorities of European Countries that had already … Read more

La réglementation des jeux d’argent en ligne en Europe : état des lieux et perspectives- colloque organisé par l’Université de Cergy-pontoise

Quelles mesures seraient susceptibles d’inspirer le législateur européen afin de protéger plus efficacement le joueur contre les risques d’addiction ? La régulation des jeux en ligne en France et en Italie. Télécharger la présentation: Slides Cergy pontoise 28012014  

Outlook for remote gambling regulation in Europe

Recent developments and perspectives of remote gambling regulations in Europe have been debated during the panel discussions at the conference organised in Paris, University Cergy-Pontoise on the 28th January 2014. The debate was launched by M. Charles Coppolani, Chief of Department for economic and financial control at the Ministry of Finance and discussed among regulators … Read more