Fiera Enada Primavera 2024 workshops

Both EGLA Founding Partners among the speakers at Fiera Enada Primavera 2024 worshops: Giovanni Carboni to discuss the online gambling reform with Barbara Beltrami (Kindred), Salvatore Vullo (Kogem), Stefano Sbordoni (Sbordoni&Partners), Riccardo Sozzi (Streetweb) moderated by Fabio Felici (Agimeg) Valérie Peano to debate on the impact of betting within the sport industry with Barbara Beltrami … Read more

Decreto punitivo con gli italiani

Intervista a Giovanni Carboni su PressGiochi : Le nuove condizioni di accesso al mercato – previste nel decreto di riordino del gioco a distanza – rovesciano l’indirizzo adottato nel 2006, anno del primo bando che ha assegnato concessioni per il gioco a distanza. Finora la legislazione del gioco e dei bandi costituivano un invito ad … Read more

Italian gaming machines and ground-based betting concessions extended

By Valérie Peano As an early execution of the overall gambling-sector reorganization announced by the sub-secretary for the Italian Ministry of Finance in charge of gambling, the duration of all gaming machines and land-based betting concessions has been extended to 2023 and 2024, respectively, while the relevant tenders’ publication has been delayed. These tenders should … Read more

Gambling Reforms announced In Italy: Where From Here?

By Valérie Peano To help recover from the heavy impact of the pandemic on the gambling sector in Italy, the Italian Ministry of Finance’s sub-secretary in charge of gambling has announced significant gambling reforms to be undertaken in the next 12-18 months. Indeed, the lockdown measures resulting from the pandemic had a dramatic impact on … Read more

Concessioni per il gioco a distanza, al 2021 l’indizione della gara

In vista della scadenza delle “vigenti concessioni in materia di gioco a distanza”, la legge di Bilancio per il 2020 ha previsto l’indizione di una procedura di gara, da parte dell’Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli per l’aggiudicazione di 40 “diritti” con una base d’asta non inferiore ad euro 2.500.000 ciascuno, per la durata di … Read more


The Italian Budget Law for 2019 has increased taxation on gambling. Many gambling products are significantly affected – whether offered offline or online. Starting from 1st January 2019, remote betting turned from 22 to 24% GGR, while offline betting from 18 to 20% GGR; remote bingo and skill games (“giochi di abilità”) taxation turned from … Read more