Italy: the COVID-19 sports tax on betting

Last May, a Law Decree was introduced by the Italian government for COVID-19 emergency measures to sustain economic and financial activities. The “Relaunch” by Parliament in July confirmed its entry into force in May. Against all odds, this Law Decree introduced an additional tax to help sustain sports after the two-month closure for the health-emergency … Read more

Concessioni per il gioco a distanza, al 2021 l’indizione della gara

In vista della scadenza delle “vigenti concessioni in materia di gioco a distanza”, la legge di Bilancio per il 2020 ha previsto l’indizione di una procedura di gara, da parte dell’Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli per l’aggiudicazione di 40 “diritti” con una base d’asta non inferiore ad euro 2.500.000 ciascuno, per la durata di … Read more


On 18 July 2020, the Law no. 77/2020  converting with amendments the “Relaunch” Law Decree no. 34/2020 on Covid-19 emergency economic and financial measures to sustain economic activities relaunch was published on the Official Journal, assuming the necessary legal value and becoming law with subsequent enforceability erga omnes. The converted Law Decree includes an additional taxation on … Read more

La proposta del calcio danneggia lo sport

La proposta del calcio danneggia lo sport. Quell’ 1 per cento in più richiesto dalla FIGC non trova corrispondenza nel quadro normativo nazionale ed europeo di riferimento. Né appare coerente con il modello di finanziamento dello sport, improntato a indipendenza ed equa distribuzione dello stesso. L’articolo è scaricabile al seguente link: Corriere dello Sport Editoriale 15042020


In compliance with the latest Italian Council of Ministers’ Presidency provisions, the new Director of Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli and the Director of the remote gambling office respectively published two new provisions, with the second one referred to specifically remote gambling. The Director Resolution of this Saturday 21 March 2020 further implemented the … Read more

The official unique Register for offline and online gambling operators in Italy

The bill introducing, among others, the compulsory registration into an official unique Register for all gambling operators active in Italy, subdued to the payment of an annual amount, is now law. The aim of this operators’ listing into an official unique Register  – until now limited to the gambling machines sector – is to combat … Read more

Italy’s first move towards the regulation of remote gambling B2B operators

The Italian Government has just issued the Fiscal Law Decree, which is intended to introduce new fiscal measures jointly with the Budget bill for 2020. Not surprisingly, fiscal measures on gambling have also been introduced. One of these has, however, attracted greater attention since it introduces compulsory registration into an official unique Register for all … Read more

Remote gambling association LOGiCO Open Letter to the President of the Council of Ministers in Italy

With an Open Letter addressed to Mr Giuseppe Conte, current (and former) President of the Council of Ministers in Italy published on one of the most important Italian sports daily Corriere dello Sport, the remote gambling association “LOGiCO – Lega Operatori Gioco su Canale Online” called for remedies for the remote gambling sector. This letter … Read more